Localizzazione Regione Nordest
Area (km²) 331.936
Capitale São Luis
Numero di comuni 217
Popolazione 6.574.789
IDH 68,3%
% Analfabetismo 19,31% (24º)
PIL 2012 (R$miliardi) /
(US$miliardi) 54 / 27
PIL pro capite (R$) / (US$) 8.273 / 4.251
% del PIL in relazione al Brasile 1.24%
Crescita media annua del PIL
(2003/2012) 5,2%
Principali Settori Agricoltura, Servizi, Commercio,
Industria estrattiva

Dopo un anno di stagnazione a causa della crisi finanziaria globale, l'economia brasiliana ha ripreso la crescita nel 2010.
La regione nord-orientale sta crescendo ad un ritmo veloce, e superando le altre regioni del paese. Tra le grandi trasformazioni in Brasile, Maranhão mette scenario molto promettente.
Con gli altri stati del nord-est, Maranhão subisce grande crescita economica dal 2009, causati da lavori infrastrutturali del suono e una serie di investimenti privati ​​che, complessivamente, supererà R $ 100
Nel corso dei prossimi cinque miliardi di anni.
Lo stato si distingue per avere una delle migliori portafogli per gli investimenti privati​​. Le risorse sono stimate a più di R $ 85000000000, dai grandi gruppi privati ​​nazionali ed esteri in diversi settori dell'economia, come la raffineria di petrolio, gas naturale, generazione di energia (idroelettrico, termico, biomasse ed eolico), cellulosa e carta, canna da zucchero e alcool, cemento e acciaio, tra gli altri, portando l'economia Uniti nel nuovo, profilo dinamico.
Maranhão ha anche una serie di condizioni naturali, come la posizione geografica privilegiata, vaste estensioni di terra e di acqua abbondante, legata alle infrastrutture di porti, ferrovie, strade e la rete energetica. L'intera infrastruttura è in fase di rigorosa miglioramento, ampliamento e ammodernamento, con investimenti pubblici e privati ​​que mirano a soddisfare la domanda delle grandi aziende che cercano di investire nello stato.
I nuovi centri industriali e agro-alimentare sono ridisegnare la mappa di viluppo Stato, la creazione di nuove frontiere economiche e opportunità per integrare il numero crescente di Comuni. In questo modo, Maranhão cerca di essere uno dei Top 10 Prodotto Interno Lordo (PIL) gli stati del Brasile per il 2020 - contribuendo così al miglioramento dell'Indice di Sviluppo Umano (HDI), e ad una migliore distribuzione della ricchezza tra le regioni del paese.

Principali poli economici
Distretto industriale di São Luís, creato dal Decreto
Statale n. 7.646;
È diviso in 15 aree (moduli), per un totale di 19.712 ha;
Il modulo 1 del distretto occupa un’area di 317,8 ha, ed è
distante 18 km dal porto di Itaqui.

Incentivi pubblici statali
(www.ma.gov.br; www.sedinc.ma.gov.br)
Programa de Incentivo às Atividades Industriais e Tecnológicas no Estado do Maranhão (ProMaranhão)” (Programma di Incentivi alle Attività Industriali e Tecnologiche nello Stato del Maranhão). Ha come obiettivo  incentivare l’installazione, l’ampliamento, la ricollocazione e riattivazione delle industrie ed agroindustrie nel Maranhão, oltre che a promuovere lo sviluppo di piccole e medie imprese. Tra i benefici concessi, figurano l’esonero dal pagamento del 75% del saldo debitore del ICMS per la nuova istallazione per 20 anni; per l’installazione non nuova fino a 15 anni; per l’ampliamento per 12 anni e 6 mesi; per la ricollocazione e riattivazione per 10 anni; l’installazione, l’ampliamento, la ricollocazione e riattivazione di industria ed agroindustria in comuni con l’Indice di Sviluppo Umano (IDH) inferiore all’indice medio dello Stato per un periodo di 20 anni.

Composizione del PIL per settori - MA
Agricoltura  17%
Estrazione di minerali  2%
Industria manifatturiera  3%
Produzione e distribuzione di energia elettrica e di gas, acqua e acque reflue urbane e la pulizia  2%
Costruzione  8%
Commercio  16%
Fondi di intermediazione finanziaria, assicurativi e previdenziali e relativi servizi  3%
Amministrazione, la salute pubblica e l'istruzione e la sicurezza sociale 24%
Altri servizi 25%



Potential Activities

  • Beekeeping
  • Dairy Farming 
  • Aquiculture
  • Wood and Furniture
  • Textiles/Clothes Manufacturing
  • Manioc
  • Civil Construction
  • Meat Farming/leather
  • Fruit Farming
  • Tourism

Integrated Development Cluster – Southern Maranhão 

The Southern Maranhão Cluster compreende os municipalities de Alto Parnaíba, Balsas, Feira Nova do Maranhão, Fortaleza dos Nogueiras, Loreto, Nova Colinas, Riachão, Sambaíba, São Raimundo das Mangabeiras and Tasso Fragoso. The most active municipality is Balsas, located 400 km from the town of Imperatriz and 790 km from the state capital, São Luís.

The region has ideal conditions for non-irrigated cultivation of dryland grains, with some appropriate areas for irrigated crops. There is a predominance of latosols (over 50%), and vegetation cover varies from open fields, with grasses, to areas of woodland (with bushes and trees). Average altitude is around 600m.

The Southern Maranhão cluster has an area of 48,492.4 km² and a population of over 150 thousand. It lies in a region with an ideal climate for dryland grain production – soy, beans, rice, maize and sweetcorn shoots -, where intensive, high-productivity agriculture is expanding. Rainfall is above 1,000 mm per year and evapo-transpiration ranges from 1,400 to 1,600 mm per year. The rainy season falls between October and March and the dry season, with water shortages, from April to September.  Average temperature reaches 27° C.

In addition to the agricultural frontier, the Cluster has high potential for cattle farming activities as well as industrial production of soy and exploitation of poultry and pig farming. There is a deep keel port system in São Luís, essential infrastructure for transporting cargoes of grains to the markets of Europe, United States and Asia via the Northern Corridor. Costs are competitive and road-rail transport is integrated, connecting production areas to São Luís, with plans for expansion of the North/South railway from the Straight. Other advantages of the cluster inlcude: large areas for production of grains; low cost of land; high degree of qualification amongst labor force and high growth rates.

The Southern Maranhão Cluster has a banking network comprising 13 establishments and a well-structured industrial base, comprising 59 industries, with availability of several telecommunications services, including mobile phone coverage.

With regular air, rail and road transport services, access to the Cluster is gained quickly and easily, largely due to its well-paved highways.

In addition to soy beans, other crops are farmed in the region, such as riche and maize, adopting modern technology, including the intensive use of mechanization, fertilizers and soil correctors, inoculation for nitrogen fixation, selected seeds, crop rotation, appropriate crop treatment and direct planting.

Large areas of land, ideal for mechanized grain farming, are available for expansion. The main attraction is the soil structure and price of land.

Agribusiness opportunities present themselves in the cluster for trading in agricultural machinery and implements, sale of inputs, fertilizers, seeds and agro-chemicals in general. In terms of transformation industries, there is space for implementation of grain crushing plants, cotton processing plants, slaughter houses and meat industries, tanneries and textile factories. In terms of logistics, bulk warehouses may be built and there are transport and trading companies.

Production and sale of inputs, production and sale of machinery, equipment and implements, market logistics, transport and trading are also good business opportunities.

In addition to these activities, important opportunities arise for specialized consultants, project design offices, soil and leaf analysis laboratories, mechanized patrols, seed processing plants, courses in rural activities, agro-industry and agricultural trading as well as creation of agribusiness labor and logistics companies. Other complementary areas include hotels, restaurants and all investments geared towards leisure.

Tourism Cluster – São Luís

The São Luís Cluster encompasses five municipalities, where over 1 million people reside.

The State of Maranhão has enormous capacity for expansion of its rich and unique tourist potential, associating its special form of cultural manifestation with the beauty and exuberance of its natural assets. The city of São Luís has special potential compared to other Brazilian destinations. The cuisine, handicrafts, popular festivals and architectural heritage – world renowned with the title of Property of Mankind, granted by UNESCO – are characteristics which give the city unique and special attractions. Other noteworthy attractions include Portinho, the beaches at Ponta D'Areia, Olho DÁgua, São Marcos, Calhau, Caolho, Lake Ana Jansen and the Anil and Bacanga Rivers.

The city of Alcântara is also famous for its historic and cultural heritage. As attractive landscapes, one can visit Vista de São Luís, Ilha do Livramento and the meeting of the waters of the River Anil and the Bacanga. The municipality of São José de Ribamar is characterized by religious tourism, with the Lourdes Cave being the main attraction, acting as a place for prayers and requests for the devotees who visit the town. Finally, the municipalities of Paço do Lumiar and Raposa are recognized for, amongst other things, the attractive handicrafts involving work with lace.



There are 53,001 km of highways, of which 4,926 are paved. Of all 53,001 km of highways, 3,464 km are federal, 5,161 km are state-owned and 44,376 km are maintained by the local town hall.

The main federal highways are the BRs 010, 135, 222, 226, 230 and 316.

BR-010, Belém – Brasília, linking Maranhão to the South of Brazil is at an average level of maintenance.

BR-135 links São Luís to Southern Piauí. BR-222, which crosses the state from Açailândia (junction with BR-010) to Northeastern Maranhão, has several dangerous stretches.

BR-226 crosses the state from Porto Franco, on the border with the state of Tocantins, to Timon, on the border with Piauí.

BR-230 crosses the south of the State and BR-316 crosses Maranhão from east to west, from Timon (border between MA/PI) to the border between MA/PA. This highway, which links Maranhão to Belém (PA) and Teresina (PI), is in average condition with some irregularities along its course.


The State boasts the Carajás Railway – EFC, with 892 km in length, for transport of iron ore and slag, soy beans, fuels, fertilizers and general  cargo, leading to the Carajás Hills in the State of Pará, to the port of Ponta Madeira, in São Luís and to the North-South Railway which operates between Açailândia and Imperatriz (100 km). The Northeastern Railway Company which, in Maranhão, goes from São Luís to Timon along a 450 km stretch. The Northeastern Railway Company links São Luís to Teresina and the other capitals of the Northeast.


The Marechal Cunha Machado airport, located in São Luís, is one of the most modern airports in the country. It has a smart, air-conditions passenger terminal, with capacity for 1 million passengers per year.

Also worthy of mention is the Guilherme Cortez airport, located in Imperatriz, which has made a considerable contribution to the state's development.


The State of Maranhão has two large-scale ports: the Port of São Luís which, in 2003, handled 68,475,599 tons, with docking of 991 ships, and the Port of Itaqui, which handled 14,663,909 tons, with 563 ships having docked in that year. Administration of the Port of Itaquí is performed by the Maranhão Dock Company – CODOMAR, located in the Bay of São Marcos, in São Luís.

Fiscal Incentives

SINCOEX – System for Support of Industry and Foreign Trade – is a form of state incentive for financing of industries and agro-industries, encouraging implantation, expansion and relocation, limited to 75% of the ICMS (sales tax) due for a period of up to 12.5 years, with grace of three years. It is also extended to companies specialized in foreign trade, based in the State, for international import operations. The loan is equivalent to 9% of the value of goods taxable from the importing establishment, with a period of 10 years and grace of six months.